Jan 24, 2007

Card Counting – fascinating documentary theme

Watching documentaries is one of my favorite uses of Television and Internet. Among a vast range of subjects I came across an appealing show “The Hot Shoe”. Filmmaker David Layton launched the documentary in 2005, however it is still up to date.

The characters in his documentary are intelligent, good actors when it comes to bluffing also excellently handle mathematic. Besides their very high showed self esteem, they prove to be have real good instincts and, of course, they rely on them.

The documentary proved to be even better than Hollywood’s notorious productions in this area. And the director of “Ocean 11” should take a look at the documentary in order to find true material. The realism of the show assures its success, all next to the masked battle between card counters and the gambling industry.

Counting cards at Blackjack represents a legitimate gambling technique. It can be used in both situations: team play or individual play.

The bursting of card counting came with professor Edward Thorp, the author of the book called “eat the dealer”. He actually served a lot the gambling industry because of the positive advertisement he did, when players, beginners or pros, came across his writings and discovered new views.

If you are a Blackjack fan and also fascinated of card counting systems, then you should definitely see it.

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