Jan 22, 2007

Poker is not about the higher cards but to have higher cards than the opponents

When I talk with my acquaintances about poker and, especially, winning at poker, I always emphasize that the secret is in your view over the other poker players.
See, the skill is not just calculating the value of your hands, but mostly the value of your opponents’ hands.

The probability of poker hands in a 52 – card pack counts the following numbers:
Straight Flush = 40; Four of a Kind = 624; Full House = 3,744; Flush = 5, 108; Straight = 10,200; Three of a Kind = 54,912; Two Pairs = 123,552; One Pair = 1,098,240 and No Pair = 1,302,540. That will lead to a total of 2,598,960.

This mathematic approach is useful if you want to calculate „luck” – actually the probability of the odds to be in your favor. I feel that this rigorous view over poker has been insufficient calculated, although there are millions of sites that offer tips about playing poker. I believe that in this game is also necessary to have control over the unpredictable.

These percentages are a tool for anybody who mentions “luck” too often and looks at this notion as if it was out of our reach.


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